Exclusive Workshops at Sonic Ranch & Abbey Road Studios

After nearly two decades in the music industry, my passion now extends to helping others grow and create meaningful connections.

I channel this passion through my eBooks, YouTube channel, and online teaching. However, one of my greatest ambitions has been to organize real-life recording and mixing workshops. My aim is not only to share my extensive experience but also to provide unforgettable studio experiences that foster community and collaboration. I invite you to join me on this adventure...


The Sonic Ranch Experience

Embark on a unique and immersive journey at Sonic Ranch Studios in Texas, on the 7-9th February 2025.

This exclusive 3-day event is limited to just 10 participants! Set in a picturesque pecan nut farm, the workshop includes recording and mixing sessions, comfortable accommodations, all-inclusive meals.

For more information and to purchase your ticket, click below. Take advantage of our Early Bird pricing available now for early buyers.


Reserve Your Spot Now!

The Abbey Road Studios Experience

Join me for an unforgettable two-day recording workshop at the legendary Abbey Road Studios in Studio Two—one of the world’s most famous recording spaces! This rare opportunity is scheduled for February 2026, with more detailed information to come.

Please note that this exclusive event is open to just 15 participants. It includes the recording workshop at Abbey Road and a follow-up one-day online mixing workshop, where I will demonstrate how to mix the same tracks we recorded. The mixing workshop will be conducted from Sweden and streamed online, allowing you to participate from anywhere in the world.

The event isn’t open for registration yet, but you can join my waitlist today to secure early access to tickets as soon as they become available. Don’t miss out on this unique chance to experience Abbey Road Studios firsthand!

Join the Waitlist!